Hardware Disease in Livestock: Cows
Hardware disease is not limited to metal objects. Any foreign object that a cow consumes which leads to complications is referred to as hardware disease. Plastic can also lead to problems especially hard plastic objects which have sharp edges. Prevention is key in keeping a healthy herd. Cattle should be kept away from old buildings, wire should not be left lying on the ground, and trash and debris should be removed from the herd's environment. Cows are not discriminate with what they consume so cattle owners should take preventative measures to keep their livestock healthy and safe.
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Hardware Disease
Monday, June 22, 2009
Basset Hound - Common Health Problems & Concerns
Before purchasing a Basset Hound, individuals should research preventative care. Some of the problems associated with this breed can be averted by providing attentive care especially to the ears and eyes. With proper nutrition, routine grooming, regular vet checks, and proper handling, a Basset Hound can live a long and healthy life.
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Health Concerns with Basset Hounds
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Health Concerns with Basset Hounds
Pekingese - Common Health Problems & Concerns
Throughout history, dogs have been bred for the creation of certain characteristics and traits. In some breeds like the Pekingese, this breeding process has translated into common health concerns that owners and potential owners should be aware of. Like with all breeds, the health of a dog can be directly affected by its environment. Proper nutrition, handling, and medical care can mean the difference in a healthy Pekingese and one that has serious medical conditions.
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Health Problems with Pekingese Dogs
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Health Problems with Pekingese Dogs
Chihuahua - Common Health Problems & Concerns
Environmental factors can adversely affect the health of a Chihuahua. Some can go their entire life without significant complications while others may encounter serious health issues. Any dog breed that is not provided proper nutrition and care is at risk to health-related problems and injuries. If your Chihuahua exhibits signs of illness, you should seek veterinary care for your pet.
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Health Concerns with Chihuahua Dogs
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Health Concerns with Chihuahua Dogs
Beagles - Common Health Problems & Concerns
The Beagle is one of the top ten breeds owned in the United States. Just like with all other breeds, the Beagle does have some health concerns that can become an issue during ownership.
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Health Problems with Beagles
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Health Problems with Beagles
Poultry Breed Facts - Serama
A fairly new breed to North America, the Serama was not introduced into the United States until the year 2000. This breed is not currently recognized by the American Poultry Association (APA) or the American Bantam Association (ABA). Those acquiring hatching eggs have better results when the eggs are hatched naturally by other breeds including Silkies. Serama hens do not produce plentiful eggs and generally won't go broody. Individuals who have taken to breeding Seramas conclude that this breed is quite docile and are an enjoyable bird to raise.
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Serama Chicken
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Serama Chicken
Poultry Breed Facts - Maran
The Maran is not currently recognized by either the American Poultry Association (APA) or the American Bantam Association (ABA). There have been clubs formed in several countries including the United States and France. These clubs promote the Maran breed in hopes of drawing further attention to the breed and expanding their popularity. The status of this breed is generally not noted due to it not being recognized as an official breed in North America. Breeders agree that the Maran is a rare and unique breed that deserves higher recognition especially within the US.
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Maran Chicken
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Maran Chicken
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Poultry Breed Facts: Andalusian
First recognized by the American Poultry Associate (APA) in 1874, the Andalusian poultry breed is extremely rare with their numbers continuing to drop yearly. Breeding and maintaining quality Andalusian birds is regarded as challenging, requiring a patient and dedicated breeder. The conservation status of this breed is considered "critical".
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Poultry Breed: Andalusian
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Poultry Breed: Andalusian
Poultry Breed Facts: Jersey Giant
The Jersey Giant is known for its size. At one time, it was not uncommon for roosters to be caponized (castrated) so they would grow to enormous sizes - up to 20 pounds. This dual purpose bird excels as a meat bird but is not popular as a commercial broiler due to its poor feed-to-meat conversion. For meat production, these birds typically reach harvestable size at about eight to nine months of age. Due to their large frame, the Jersey Giant is often used as a roasting bird. The hens produce very large brown eggs and tend to not only lay more eggs than other breeds, they also tend to have a longer laying season.
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Poultry Breed: Jersey Giant
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Poultry Breed: Jersey Giant
Poultry Breed Facts: Buckeye
The Buckeye is a dual-purpose bird created by crossing Barred Plymouth Rock hens with a Buff Cochin rooster. Later, black-breasted game fowl were added to the breeding program to add to the functionality needed to perform well with farm life. This breed is known for its foraging instincts but also adapts well in confined pens. A problem that confined chickens may experience especially in crowded spaces is "feather picking". The Buckeye is not known to develop this behavior making them a popular bird for small spaces. When allowed to roam, this bird will forage for most anything including mice.
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Poultry Breed: Buckeye
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Poultry Breed: Buckeye
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Grizzly Bear Facts and Characteristics
While the Grizzly is still quite common in parts of Alaska and Canada, it is considered threatened and/or endangered in the lower 48 states of the United States and some parts of Canada. These bears are protected under law in most national parks including Yellowstone and Banff National Parks. The largest threat to Grizzly numbers is from humans. Their habitats and food supplies are consistently threatened as human populations expand and devastate areas in which these bears roam.
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Grizzly Bear
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Grizzly Bear
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