Friday, May 29, 2009

Lagomorphs - Rabbits, Hares, and Pikas

Lagomorphs are small herbivores with sharp incisors designed for chewing vegetation and shrubbery. While rodents also have these chisel-shaped incisors, there are differences in both the physical and behavioral characteristics of these two families.

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Breeds of Guinea Pigs

The Cavy Breeders Association and the American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA) both recognize 13 breeds of guinea pigs as show animals. Although there are differences in each breed, there are several traits that are desirable of all cavies. The breed you desire for either show or as a pet will depend upon what characteristics you prefer. Some guinea pigs have long, silky coats while others have short, dense fur.

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Guinea Pig Breeds

Thursday, May 14, 2009

What to feed a pet Guinea Pig

The diet of domesticated guinea pigs is easily maintained due in part to quality commercial pellets available in most stores. However, it is recommended that a guinea pig should be supplemented with fresh fruits, vegetables, timothy hay, and obviously fresh water. A quality pellet should contain 16 to 20 percent protein and 16 percent fiber and should be designed for guinea pigs. Pellets that are labeled for guinea pigs, hamsters, and rabbits most generally do not contain vitamin C and can also be supplemented with other substances that may not be safe for a guinea pig. An adult guinea pig needs a minimum of 15 milligrams of vitamin C daily but may need more depending upon their health issues.

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Guinea Pig Diet

Primate Behaviors and Characteristics

The most common threat to primates is other primates, specifically humans. There are several species that have become endangered including the golden lion tamarin and the gorilla. The loss of their natural habitat is a specific problem to the dwindling of populations. In some countries, species of primates are slaughtered because they are considered a nuisance. Some types of monkeys are hunted and consumed in countries like West Africa and South America. Most researchers believe that until the most populous of primates (humans) begin to conserve the environment and wildlife habitats, other species of primates will ultimately not be able to survive in the wild or will become extinct.


Birds that are considered Poultry

Pigeons, doves, and pheasant that are game-type birds can also be considered poultry when they have been domesticated and used for the purpose of eating. Peacocks have been considered poultry when they have been raised for the purpose of collecting their plumage. While the chicken, goose, duck, and turkey are the first birds to come to mind when defining poultry, there are many other feathered creatures that can fit into the category.

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Saturday, May 9, 2009

North American Opossum Facts

The average Virginia opossum weighs from 4 to 9 pounds and can reach 25 inches in length. This species can be found in the wild in many different climates - Canada to South America. This species prefers wooded areas and fields but can survive in most any environment except the open desert. Their reason for adapting to most regions is their ability to forage on most any animal or plant life. The opossum can thrive on grass, mushrooms, insects, and even poisonous snakes as they are immune to rattlesnake venom.

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Otter - Facts and Characteristics

Due to the decline in the demand for otter fur and the laws passed to protect these mammals, both the river and sea otter are making a comeback. The otter is a docile creature that is enjoyable to view in the wild. Their playful nature and bonding with others within their group is a treat to behold and like with all wildlife contribute to the ecosystem. Protecting both river and sea otters and their habitats are extremely important so that these wondrous creatures can be enjoyed for generations to come.

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Otter Facts

Pelican Facts and Characteristics

The pelican is a large water bird that can have a wingspan as wide as 10 feet. They may appear large and bulky, but this bird is an excellent swimmer and takes to the sky with grace. There are several species of pelicans, most being white or gray but there are also pelicans that are brown such as the Eastern brown pelican which is the state bird of Louisiana. The pelican is part of the bird order known as "Pelecaniformes" which also includes gannets and cormorants.

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Pelican Facts

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Dog Breed - Otterhound

The Otterhound is an extremely intelligent yet stubborn breed of dog. They have plenty of energy and are not suitable for the laid-back owner. This breed requires ample space for exercise and enjoys the water, the hunting instinct can distract this breed from obeying and will require sufficient training. As with most hounds, the Otterhound has a distinct howl. They are known to throw their head up and "sing" that hunt cry that not everyone can appreciate.

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The Otterhound

Dog Breed - Lakeland Terrier

Depending upon the breeder, the cost of the Lakeland Terrier can range from $700 to $1500. This is a tireless breed that should be kept as an indoor pet but allowed adequate outdoor freedom. Bred as a sporting dog, the Lakeland Terrier requires an ample amount of exercise. This highly intelligent dog has been referred to as an excellent guard dog that is also family oriented and behaves well with children. This breed suits well with individuals and families that have sufficient time for play and interaction with an active dog. The Lakeland Terrier is currently recognized as an official breed by the AKC, ANKC, CKC, FCI, KC (GB), and KUSA.

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Lakeland Terrier