Sunday, August 30, 2009

How to Care for a Newborn Kitten

How to Bottle Feed Newborn Kittens

You should be forewarned that taking over the care as Mom to newborn kittens is an around the clock job as they need to be fed every 2 to 3 hours. First step is to have everything together that the kitten will need for feeding time.

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Bottle Feeding Newborn Kittens

Home Remedy Treatments for Dog Acne

Canine acne can typically be healed with a simple home remedy treatment. Acne in dogs generally occurs near the chin or on the face and it can be unattractive as well as uncomfortable. Generally caused by a bacterium that has blocked an oil gland, this ailment is usually not life threatening unless the dog scratches causing an open wound which then leads to an infection. Before the acne has time to progress into a real problem, owners can try some treatments right at home to help their dog heal.

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Dog Acne Treatments

How to Kitten-Proof Your Home

How to Make Your Home Safe for Your New Kitten

These inquisitive creatures enjoy exploring in places that you least expect and just when you think you have your home cat-safe, they teach you something new. As your kitten grows, you will find new territory that needs to be covered. By taking the steps to kitty-proof your home, you are saving yourself a lot of time, headaches, and money while keeping your special pet safe in their environment.

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Home Remedies for Itching in Dogs

Home Remedy Treatments for a Dog's Itching Skin

When your dog's skin has a bothersome itch, there are several home remedies that can help soothe the discomfort. Just like in humans, a dog's skin can become dry and itchy. And when you have an itch - you scratch and so does your dog. With a few items from your pantry and special attention, you can help ease the itching and scratching.

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Home Remedies for Itching Dogs

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Different Giant Sized Rabbit Breeds

Rabbits can be classified into four size groups - small, medium, large, and giant. The American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA) currently recognizes 47 rabbit breeds and only three of these breeds fit into the giant group. To be classified as a giant rabbit breed, the rabbit should have an ideal adult weight of more than 11 pounds however; these breeds are known to get considerably heavier than their ideal weights.

Full Article with Breed List:
Giant Rabbit Breeds

Different Large-Sized Rabbit Breeds

Rabbit breeds are generally placed into four categories based upon their size: small, medium, large, and giant. The American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA) currently recognizes 47 rabbit breeds and 15 of those are categorized as large breeds. With average mature weights that range from 9 to 11 pounds, these rabbit breeds are popular for showing, breeding, for meat and fur production, and even as pets.

Full Article with Breed List:
Large Rabbit Breeds

Different Medium-Sized Rabbit Breeds

Rabbit breeds can vary greatly in their appearances, coat colors, and even their size. Rabbits can generally be broken down into four size groups: small, medium, large, and giant. Out of the 47 breeds recognized by the American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA), 16 breeds are classified in the "medium" sized group which generally average 6 to 9 pounds in weight.

Full Article with Breed List:
Medium-Sized Rabbit Breeds

Different Small Rabbit Breeds

Out of the 47 rabbit breeds currently recognized by the American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA), 13 rank in the "small breed" category. Typically, these breeds have an ideal weight of less than five pounds when mature. Most breeds of rabbit average from 2 to 11 pounds and those over 5 pounds will fit in the other three size categories which include medium, large, and giant.

Full Article with Breed List:
Small Rabbit Breeds

Rabbit Breed Profile - American Fuzzy Lop

Because of their appearance and size, the American Fuzzy Lop has become popular not only in the show ring but also as a house pet. Generally, this breed is docile and enjoys human companionship. However, due to their wool coat, special attention should be made to their grooming needs. Regular brushing and combing is needed to prevent mats and to remove tangles. Up until about the age of 6 months, the wool will be much softer and more susceptible to tangles requiring extra brushing. The senior coat will appear following their first molt.

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American Fuzzy Lop

How to Cure a Dog's Stomach Ache

Home Remedy Treatment for Stomach Aches in Dogs

All dogs get stomach aches or gastritis which is an inflammation of the stomach lining. Typically, many dog owners will let the problem pass on its own but there are several home remedies that can be tried to shorten the duration of the sickness. However, these treatments should only be utilized on adult dogs and puppies experiencing stomach problems should be seen by a veterinarian.

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Stomach Aches in Dogs - Treatment

Skin Rashes in Dogs - Home Remedy Treatments

You won't need to discover the source of your dog's skin rash to begin home treatment and ease your dog's irritation. However, to prevent the condition from returning, you should dutifully try to find the source to help your pet live comfortably without the discomfort of skin rashes. It is highly recommended for rashes that do not heal, begin to emit an odor, or get worse to be examined by a qualified veterinarian.

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Home Remedies for Skin Rashes in Dogs

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Leptospirosis in Dogs - Causes, Signs, and Treatments

Leptospirosis is believed to become more widespread due to people moving into areas inhabited by wildlife like rats and raccoons. Dog owners that reside in areas populated by wild animals should seriously consider having their dogs vaccinated for this disease. You and your veterinarian can discuss the options available including whether your pet needs vaccinated for the disease and how often.

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Leptospirosis in Dogs

Constipation in Rabbits - Causes, Signs, and Treatments

Regular grooming can help limit the amount of hair that a rabbit ingests. Angora rabbits and other long-haired breeds are susceptible to hairballs. A high-fiber diet can also aid with the passing of hair through a rabbit's system. Rabbits are unable to vomit and cough up hairballs so there is only one other alternative to pass these bits of hair. When the hair builds up in the intestines, it can block the intestines leading to "wool block". If treatments do not help the hairball pass through the system, a veterinarian may need to remove the blockage surgically. Surgical procedures in rabbits are dangerous and can also lead to the death of the rabbit.

Most importantly, owners should watch for any changes in their rabbit's eating and bathroom habits. Start home treatments promptly at the first signs of constipation. If the rabbit has not had a bowel movement within 24 hours or is showing any signs of stress, seek care from a qualified rabbit veterinarian immediately.

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Constipation in Rabbits

Homemade Cardboard Box Playhouse for Cats

You will find that your cat will not only enjoy hiding and playing in their playhouse but you may find them taking an afternoon snooze in their den. If you have carpet remnants or a rug, you can cut these down to lay inside the playhouse for your cat's comfort during naptime. Manufacturers make millions from cat furniture and play centers. You can easily build one at home for next to nothing and use the saved money on extra cat treats.

Full Article with Assembly Instructions:
Cardboard Box Cat Play Center

Cold Weather Care for Rabbits

If you are unable to keep your rabbit indoors on a regular basis, owners should consider at least bringing them in through the night. Some rabbits are more susceptible to the elements like short-haired rabbits and dwarfs. Keep the rabbit's hutch or cage free from any cold winds, drafts, and dampness. Check your rabbit regularly during the cold weather and seek veterinary care immediately should your rabbit show any signs of illness.

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Rabbit Cold Weather Care

Enteritis in Rabbits - Signs, Treatments, and Causes

Enteritis cannot be fully prevented but there are measures rabbit owners can take to help prevent this occurrence. Most importantly is proper feeding and nutrition of the rabbit. A proper diet includes fiber levels that average 18 to 23 percent. Good quality rabbit pellets will include the fiber content on the label. Weaning in young rabbits should be done gradually. Begin with a high-fiber diet and steadily over a two week period, change to a growth diet.

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Enteritis in Rabbits

Caring for a Pregnant Rabbit

Caring for a pregnant rabbit isn't difficult. Keep her free from a stressful environment, provide her with a nutritious diet and clean water, and supply a kindling box and your doe should do the rest.

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Pregnant Doe Care

How to Save Money on Rabbit Care & Food

The next time you are ready to purchase a product for your rabbit, simply look for safe alternatives. Saving on rabbit care only requires preventive care and a little imagination.

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Rabbit Care Savings

Common Health Issues with the Bichon Frise

A Bichon that has proper care, regular grooming, and a nutritional diet generally stays in good health. Schedule regular vet check-ups and watch for any signs of changes in your pet's behavior. Provide plenty of fresh water, bathroom breaks, and prevent your Bichon from jumping from high places. Most importantly, if you have any concerns for your Bichon's health, seek professional veterinarian care.

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Bichon Frise Health Concerns

Common health issues in the Afghan Hound

Like with most all other dog breeds, Afghans do have some ailments and disorders that are more commonly seen within the breed. Before purchasing an Afghan Hound, new prospective owners should research the history of the dog or pup they are considering acquiring. Many good breeders will not breed dogs that have a history of these ailments so one should also look into the breeder.

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Afghan Hound Health Problems

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Dog Breed Facts - Spanish Mastiff

This breed is recognized by the CKC, NKC, FCI, ARBA, APRI, and ACR. The United Kennel Club (UKC) began recognizing the Spanish Mastiff fairly recently in 2006. This breed is not accepted for registration with the American Kennel Club (AKC) however; the breed is accepted for recording with its Foundation Stock Service (FSS). The Spanish Mastiff is the National Dog of Spain and is extremely popular there but is rare outside of its native country. The popularity of this dog breed in Spain has been compared to that of the Labrador Retriever in the United States.

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Spanish Mastiff

Dog Breed Facts - Tahltan Bear Dog

There have been sightings of Tahltan Bear Dogs rumored in recent times but experts warn that most dogs being portrayed as this breed today are nothing more than recreations. Individuals finding so-called "Tahltan Bear Dogs" for sale should know that you could be forking out a great amount of money for nothing more than a small mixed-breed dog.

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Tahltan Bear Dog

Dog Breed Facts: Dutch Shepherd

The Dutch Shepherd is currently recognized by the CKC, FCI, NKC, APRI, and ACR. There are many who have never seen or even heard of this breed outside of its native country. The American Kennel Club (AKC) does not currently recognize the Dutch Shepherd as an official breed. However, several clubs, organizations, and rescue groups are located within the United States.

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Dutch Shepherd

Dog Breed Facts - Basset Fauve de Bretagne

The Basset Fauve de Bretagne has been expressed to be courageous, headstrong, and affectionate. This is a hunting breed and requires ample amounts of exercise and decisive training. Those of this breed that do not receive sufficient space are prone to behavioral issues due to the pent up energy. Owners of this breed praise this dog as being loyal and family-friendly. Its hunting instincts are profound but its personality can adapt to different lifestyles.

This breed is recognized by the UKC, FCI, KC (GB), and KUSA, the Basset Fauve de Bretagne club was registered with the Kennel Club (GB) in 1991 and was granted Championship status in 2007. Each club or organization may have their own standards for this breed set and should be reviewed before showing. Mainly seen in its native country, this breed has started to show a presence in the British show ring but is rarely seen in any other countries.

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Basset Fauve de Bretagne

List of Spaniel Dog Breeds

Kennel clubs across the globe recognize hundreds of different dog breeds. The spaniel breeds are extremely popular in many countries including the United States. There are a handful of different spaniel breeds recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC) but many more are available throughout the world.

Full Article with List of Spaniel Dog Breeds:

Spaniel Dog Breeds

Dog Breed Facts - Stabyhoun

In its native land, the Stabyhoun is known as a versatile sporting dog but has gained popularity as a family pet and companion. This breed has many of the same behavioral characteristics seen in the American Labrador Retriever. Owners describe this breed as affectionate, easily trainable, energetic, and lovable. Highly intelligent and friendly, the Stabyhoun is also known for its docile temperament. Its calm personality suits well with children which is why this dog has become as popular as a family pet as it has as a sporting dog.

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Hybrid Dog Facts - The Shar-Poo

The Shar-Poo, also referred to as the Shar-Poo Terrier, crosses two very popular dog breeds - the Shar-Pei and the Poodle or Toy Poodle. This is a fairly new hybrid mix that hasn't seen the popularity of other hybrid breeds like the Labradoodle (Labrador/Poodle cross) or the Puggle (Pug/Beagle cross). Because very little is known about these crosses, one should look into the characteristics of both breeds before acquiring a Shar-Poo.

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Dog Breed Facts - Drever

Nicknamed the "hunting machine", most Drevers are used as hunting animals but are also kept as a companion dog. Drever owners have described this breed as attentive, composed, and quite responsive to human interaction but can be stubborn if not provided with proper training. The Drever has become a popular show and hunting dog in Sweden and with its intelligence and devotion, this breed will certainly remain a prevalent force in its resident land.

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Dog Breed Facts - Gordon Setter

Once known as the Gordon Castle Setter, the Gordon Setter originated from Scotland. The creation of Alexander, Fourth Duke of Richmond and Gordon, the Gordon Setter is a gundog that has lineage from Bloodhounds and quite possibly, Collies. Alexander's intention was a larger and heavier setter breed and thus, the Gordon Setter is known to not be as fast or elegant as other setter breeds.

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Gordon Setter

Cat Breed Facts - Devon Rex

Like with many other cat breeds, the Devon Rex is low-maintenance. Several myths have surrounded this breed including they are hypo-allergenic and they do not shed. A Devon Rex will shed like any animal that has fur but it is far less than long-haired breeds. Some individuals who have allergies to cats can tolerate the Devon Rex but this depends upon the allergy. Those with cat allergies should arrange to handle a Devon Rex before purchasing one to forego any surprises. Due to their short coat, this breed should be kept indoors especially during the winter months.

The cost of a Devon Rex varies depending upon its lineage but prices typically start around $800. This breed is extremely popular for the show ring and as a faithful companion. Those interested in a unique cat breed with extraordinary characteristics should consider the Devon Rex.

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Facts and History of the Devon Rex Cat

How to Clean and Groom a Chinchilla

Chinchillas are tidy creatures and self-groomers, including kits. Chins are one of few pets who actually enjoy their baths and owners enjoy watching their small companions rolling and flipping in their bath. Just a couple of times each week is all your chin will need to keep their coat in tip-top condition.

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Chinchilla Grooming

Disadvantages of Ferret Ownership

There is no doubt that ferrets are fun and unique pets. However, this is not the type of pet that should be acquired by an unreliable owner. This isn't a goldfish that can be fed some flakes and be left alone for several days. These animals require constant, daily care. There are many advantages to owning a ferret but before obtaining one of these unique creatures, you should weigh the disadvantages first before making that ultimate decision of ferret ownership.

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Disadvantages of Ferret Ownership

Disadvantages of Rabbit Ownership

There are many advantages to owning a rabbit but before acquiring one of the unique creatures, you should weigh the disadvantages first before making that ultimate decision of rabbit ownership.

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Disadvantages of Rabbit Ownership