Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Constipation in Rabbits - Causes, Signs, and Treatments

Regular grooming can help limit the amount of hair that a rabbit ingests. Angora rabbits and other long-haired breeds are susceptible to hairballs. A high-fiber diet can also aid with the passing of hair through a rabbit's system. Rabbits are unable to vomit and cough up hairballs so there is only one other alternative to pass these bits of hair. When the hair builds up in the intestines, it can block the intestines leading to "wool block". If treatments do not help the hairball pass through the system, a veterinarian may need to remove the blockage surgically. Surgical procedures in rabbits are dangerous and can also lead to the death of the rabbit.

Most importantly, owners should watch for any changes in their rabbit's eating and bathroom habits. Start home treatments promptly at the first signs of constipation. If the rabbit has not had a bowel movement within 24 hours or is showing any signs of stress, seek care from a qualified rabbit veterinarian immediately.

Full Article:
Constipation in Rabbits

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