Thursday, September 3, 2009

How to Groom a Cairn Terrier

Cairns produce a minimal amount of dander which is typically handled well by those with allergies. Keeping the coat in tip-top condition is fairly simple but it shouldn't be considered optional. To groom a Cairn Terrier, you only need a few tools and a regular routine.

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Cairn Terrier Grooming

History of the Cairn Terrier

The Cairn Terrier is a small dog breed that enjoys human companionship. Their skilled hunting instinct still exists and the modern Cairn takes pleasure in finding a scent and digging for underground vermin. Some farmers are still known to own these terriers to rid their barns of rodents. Owners warn not to scold their Cairns for bringing home a prize from their hunt, it's comparable to punishing a cat for purring. This is a huge part of their behavior and true instincts.

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Cairn Terrier

Distemper (Strangles) in Horses - Signs and Treatments

A vaccine for strangles is available but all side effects and usage should be discussed thoroughly with a veterinarian. New horses brought onto your property should be isolated for a minimum of two weeks. Any horses suffering from the illness should be kept in isolation until fully treated and the horse's environment should be thoroughly sanitized once cleared of the infection. Horse tack and grooming supplies should not be shared among horses including feeding buckets.

Even though distemper typically dissipates without antibiotic intervention, owners should not hesitate to seek veterinarian care when their horse becomes infected. Professional care is especially urged if the horse is older, has a weakened immune system, has a highly elevated temperature, has difficulty breathing, or does not appear to be recovering with home care.

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Distemper in Horses

Tetanus in Horses: Signs and Treatments

Due to modern medicine and preventative measures, tetanus is not as widespread as it once was. However, it is still a deadly disease with approximately 80 percent of infected horses dying from the illness simply because a horse lacked proper vaccination. Horse owners should have their animals vaccinated against tetanus; it is a much simpler and cheaper alternative to treating a horse with the disease or losing the life of the horse.

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Tetanus in Horses

Constipation in Dogs - Home Remedies

If your dog is having bouts of constipation on a regular basis, you may consider adding extra fiber to your pet's diet on a continual basis. It is important to be watchful of dog's that suffer from constipation. If your dog is straining to have a bowel movement with no success (or very little) for 48 hours or more after trying one of these solutions, you should seek professional veterinarian care for your pet. There could be an underlying health problem that is more serious than simple constipation in your dog.

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Constipation in Dogs

Rabbit Breed Facts: Californian

The Californian is also known as "From East Coast to West" and "Californians are the Best". As well as being preferred for commercial reasons, the Californian also makes a desirable pet due to their docile nature but may not be suitable for young children because of their size. Californian rabbits generally will cost in the $50 range and up, depending upon their lineage and show qualities. Californians require typical rabbit care with a quality diet and extra attention with grooming. This breed is simply exquisite especially the superb coat which attributes as to why this breed is one of the most popular across the globe.

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Californian Rabbit Breed

Rabbit Owner Mistakes

A pet rabbit given proper care can live eight years or more which is an important aspect that should be known before taking on the responsibility of rabbit ownership. These unique creatures require the same amount of time and commitment as other pets which includes learning about their care before purchasing one and avoiding deadly mistakes.

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Rabbit Owner Mistakes

Hookworms in Dogs - Symptoms and Treatments

Hookworms can also invade the human skin. Individuals who live in the southeastern part of the US are more at risk due to the warm sandy soil. People (including children) should always wear shoes in areas where dogs are known to roam especially in tropical climates. This includes on beaches where dogs are allowed. Dog owners should provide preventative treatment to pets living in tropical climates and all dogs should be tested regularly for hookworms.

Hookworms in Dogs

Home Remedies for Dog Dandruff

Typically dandruff can be cured by simply changing a dog's environment, good grooming practices, and a high-quality diet. However, some dandruff can be caused by a more serious problem like allergies, parasites, or an infection. If your dog does not appear to improve with home treatments, seek professional veterinarian care for your pet.

Dog Dandruff Treatments