Wednesday, October 29, 2008

How To Trim Your Dogs' Nails

How To Cut Your Dogs' Claws

Keeping a dogs’ nails trimmed shouldn’t be an intimidating task for either you or your pet. Not only does keeping their nails trimmed keep you and your property safe from unnecessary scratches, it is important for their everyday living to not let the nail grow too long. For most dogs, having overgrown nails can interfere and even be painful when walking.

Trimming the nails of your pet can be as simple as trimming your own nails. Just be aware that dogs have a vein inside the nail called the quick that can bleed when cut into. When grooming the nails you need three basic tools-the clippers, a tissue and a product that is sold to stop bleeding if you do happen to cut into the nail. Two types of these products include Quickstop Powder and a styptic pencil that contains silver nitrate. Both products work well to stop the bleeding of the quick if you should happen to need them.

FULL ARTICLE with Simple Instructions:

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